Sunday, May 14, 2006


I went home this weekend for Mother's Day. Things I wanted to do:

1. Love on my mom
2. Spend time with my girlfriend
3. Wash my car
4. Go on a bike ride

Things that I did:

1. Loved on my mom
2. Spent time with my girfriend
3. Watched Memoirs of A Geisha
4. Slept

It was good. I'll post my thoughts on Memoirs of A Geisha later, because I found it to be a very powerful, mesmerizing movie. For Mom's day, we went to a chinese restaurant and then hit up my uncle's house for some cake.

As an aside, I'm not a huge fortune cookie fan - I think that if GOD wanted to, he could tell me whatever he wanted through whatever he wanted, burning bushes, donkeys of Balaam, and fortune cookies too, but I'm not waiting for a prophetic word to come out of a cleverly folded cookie. Getting fortunes like "You will meet someone special today" or "You have a magnetic personality" haven't done much to win me over.

So my first fortune today read something like, "You have an exceptionally attractive personality," or something like that. Flattering, but not really much in the way of encouraging my spiritual growth. So I was ready to throw in the towel, but my heart (and my sweet tooth... really just my sweet tooth) decided to give the fortune one more chance. So I grabbed one more (since there were 20 of us, they just gave us a whole bucket full and let us go at it) and this is what it said:
Nothing in the world is accomplished without passion.
That's a pretty far cry from the financial planning advice you find in most fortune cookies. I've found that GOD can be funny sometimes - in a humbling way. And he's good, too. See you soon.

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