Tuesday, July 12, 2005

In China - II

Still not dead. The MSG tried to knock me out, but I'm sticking to rice and vegetables until I get my strength back. I've been blessed with the opportunity to try tons of different kinds of food, but my weak-sauce stomach keeps me from being really adventurous. I begin this post with a food comment because it is one of the most popular topics of conversations amongst us lauai (foreigners), as well the bodily functions related to food. Nuff said.

I joined a group of other foreigners on a trip into "town" yesterday, and it was nuts. In my last post, I alluded to the fact that the lane markers here in China are more like suggestions. Well, I experienced it firsthand on our taxi ride. I sat in the front seat, and it was definitely a faith moment, because it seemed to me like death was a very feasible and quite possible option at that point. Needless to say, it was pretty sweet, in an "I-almost-died" kind of way. But I got to have the tea drink with the little balls in the bottom, which made it all worth it. it cost me 5 yuan, which is a little over 60 cents. China is awesome.

Here at the university, things are amazing. We start each day with song, and then we go out and love on kids who are just so hungry for relationship and truth that it almost feels overwhelming at times. The most amazing thing that I've seen here is the way that the barrier of language opens doors and hearts, and to be reminded of the reality that all things do work for good. True love transcends language, expression, and hardship, and to see this truth become a reality here between our team and the chinese has only just begun, and I can't wait to see it continue to unfold. I'm not even tired yet, sucka, and I will not be silent anymore.

I'm going to the Shaolin temple tommorow. I'm reading Les Miserables. I finished Moby Dick. I love you all, and keep it real in the free world.


Anonymous said...

What did you think of Moby Dick? Its one of my top ten favorite novels, and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I hope all is well, and that your trip continues to be amazing. Stay strong.

monica said...

Ahh poor kid, you a ur weak-sauce stomach. j/k =0) Well its totally sweet to hear that your doing alright, from near death experiences to having a sweet time getting to know the kids. I know God is using you guys over there in a big way. And im stoked to hear that so far you’re having a blast. And its true, God has away of overcoming barriers that we couldn’t overcome on our own. And it’s sweet to experience those times because you know that it has nothing to do with you but All with God. So Right on, keep on running the good race and trusting in God. He is such the Great Provider, it’s pretty sweet. Well im praying for you and everyone that’s over there. Im just so excited for you guys and all that God is doing and will continue to do over there. So with that, you take care of yourself aight, and just have a blast.

“ Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.” –
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Ciao Chico, chat with you soon.
~ Moni