This last week, I finished up the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis. I have been reading quite a bit of C.S. Lewis lately: I read his Space Trilogy this last summer,his Screwtape Letters a few years ago, his novel Until We Have Faces last year, and the book A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Van Auken, an amazing book who had a personal relationship and letter correspondence with Lewis. Currently, I'm reading through Mere Christianity with one of my bible study boys. As I've read through his work, I've been struck by his warmth, the depth of his intelligence, and his desire to plainly and truthfully lay out the Christian life in all of its life and vigor.
This comes through in The Chronicles of Narnia - beautiful little books that tell stories rife with imagination and joy that are full of brilliant allusions to the Gospel story. They're kind of like a movie like Shrek or The Incredibles - light and simple enough for children to enjoy and understand, but full of clever nuances and deep lessons that satisfy the most mature adults. This is the great gift of C.S. Lewis - to make the Christian life simple and plain without watering it down, to explore the narrative of the Christian story with his brilliant imagination without being limiting. Word. See you soon.
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