Well, now that we are past Thanksgiving, it is officially winter here in Davis. 4 years ago, if you had asked me if I preferred hot weather or cold, I wouldv'e said hot every time, hands down. But after 4 years of going through the seasons in Davis, I have come to appreciate bundling up, wearing a ski cap, and sitting down with a warm cup of peppermint tea or peppermint mocha. The crisp air makes me feel alive.
One thing that I find to be odd about Davis is seen in the picture above: crows. Every year, during the winter months, thousands and thousands of the things congregate in Davis. They fill every tree, and are constantly whirling around in the sky, making loud cackling noises. If they wanted to take us all out
Birds-style, they could. That's all for now - see you soon.
Yeah, I’m telling you, its all about the layering. I love cold weather just for the sole reason that I get to bundle up. Cold weather is great, with the exception of when I’m sick and then coldness becomes all bad.
On a side note: crows are kinda creepy. Every time I see one I get this image of one poking someone’s eye out. Don’t ask me were that comes from but its there.
Anyhow hope your enjoying your cup of peppermint tea, I know I am. =0)
i may have to swing by AGO refuge-style for some of your hot chocolate, friend. lets hang soon, yes?
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