I watch a lot of movies. As I referenced in my last post, I didn't watch much TV when I was a kid; but I did watch a lot of movies. Even though I've left home and I have TV at my fingertips, this holds true - watching primetime television is not a priority in my life, my I do heartily enjoy the story that can be told through a film. Therefore, I thought it would be cool to process all of them into my mind and heart by writing out my thoughts.
Unfortunately, this movie is a pretty anticlimatic beginning to my exercise in discernment, because there's not really too much to discern. Some of the students in Remix were going to go see it instead of coming to youth group, so I took the church to them. There was a lot of blood, violence, and... that was it. Not much to be redeemed, but my hope is that in the future this exercise will be a way for me to take all of my thoughts captive for Christ. My hope, in "redemptive movie watching" (ht Jax) is to, in the stories that we tell, to listen for GOD's story, while remaining pure and unstained by the world. Word. See you soon.
P.S. Ransom Fellowship offers some awesome, GOD-centered materials on viewing and understanding film from a spiritual perspective.
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