Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Saudi Prince Buying "Flying Palace" Jet

Reading through the news this morning, I came across an article that reveals that Prince Alaweed bin Tabal of Saudi Arabia is purchasing an Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger plane just recently unveiled. It holds 853 passengers in an economy setting, but the prince is having the seats stripped to customize it according to his desires, which may include a movie theater and a gym. The price of with plane, with customization, could be close to half a billion dollars. Here's a quote from the article:
"'It's like buying a new car or a new TV,' Velupillai told The Associated Press. 'One wants something bigger and better.'"
The prince is already the only private owner of a Boeing 747, the "world's most spacious plane" prior to the A380. Wow. May we be weary of the grip that the love of money can have on our lives, and see the opportunity and call upon each of us to give with reckless compassion to those who have nothing. See you soon.

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