I love coffee ice cream. I don't like drinking coffee, but I like ice cream.
I love a warm peppermint hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles on it. It makes me think about Christmas, and that makes me think about Jesus.
I love riding my buddy's big cruiser bike. It makes me miss my old cruiser bike. If you're out there somewhere bike, I'm sorry I left you out in the rain on campus for so long. I miss you.
I love reading books by people who love Jesus. They make me love Jesus more.
I love hanging out with friends who love Jesus. They make me love Jesus more.
I love feeling so elated at the goodness of GOD that I just have to pinch myself, hug someone, or scream, or something. It's nuts.
I love chewing on the word of GOD, and being nourished by it. I love to teach it. I love to learn it. I love people who love to learn it and teach it.
I love to love my friends.
I love to love my enemies, because it is in this way that Christ overcame the world, and in so doing He can that same overcoming work in me.
I love feeling so alive that the only way I can convey how I truly feel is to write out a series of scatterbrained phrases like this one.
I love because the lover of my soul first loved me.
I love.
I could sing unending songs
Of how you saved my soul
& I could dance a thousand miles
Because of your great love
My heart is bursting Lord to
To tell of all you've done
Of how've you changed my life
And wiped away the past
I want to shout it out
From every roof top sing
For now I know
That God is for me, not against me
I could sing unending songs
Of how you saved my soul
& I could dance a thousand miles
Because of your great love
Everybody's singin' now
Cuz we're so happy
Everybody's dancin' now
Cuz we're so happy
If only I could see your face,
See you smiling over us
And unseen angels celebrate
The joy is in this place
(Martin Smith, The Happy Song)
Kia Ora (Hello) from a krazy blogger down-under in New Zealand. With all the "loving" you have got going, when do you sleep ???
Usually I'm all loved out at around 12:30 at night, and that's when I fall asleep.
I wish that I were 'bursting' more often. What a powerful statement: I love. See you around soon, bro. and maybe I'll see some more of this 'bursting' first hand. :-)
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