I just finished up this book tonight. In short, this book is the
Celebration of Discipline of prayer. I've read a lot of his work, including the aforementioned
Celebration of Discipline and
The Freedom of Simplicity, and I just picked up his book
Money, Sex, and Power: The Challenge of the Disciplined Life from the thrift store over Thanksgiving break - awesome!
As I've read his work, I've been deeply moved and convicted by the compassionate warmth of his writings, as well as his ability to deal with his subjects comprehensively and compellingly, while maintaining a prophetic edge that makes you uncomfortable, but in a way that draws you closer into life with God. My experience with this book was no different - he dealt with the subject of prayer from a variety of angles, organizing them intuitively and sprinkling them personal anecdotes that both convict and comfort. Looking back on the book's scope in the final chapter, Foster reveals his thesis for the book:
We saw some of the ways God's loving friendship draws us inward into the transformation we need: changing us, molding us, forming us. We were invited upward into the intimacy we need: adoring God, resting in God, listening to God. We heard the call outward into the ministry we need: healing the sick, suffering with the broken, interceding for the world. (p. 255)
If your prayer life feels shallow, meaningless, or devoid of life, as mine often does, I'd recommend this book to you; I hope the joy that Foster reveals in the privilege that we each have to come confidently before God in prayer will put a smile on your face and breathe life into your prayer life. If you've read this book, let me know what you thought in the comments. See you soon.